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Monday, July 2, 2012


Hello Everyone!
Our first post of the trip!

All the travelers showed up exactly on time at LAX on Friday June 29th. The kids were sleepy from the early time, but filled with smiles and both excited and nervous! The parents were also showing signs of the same.  Below are some pictures of them saying goodbye to parents, with their day bags on. 

There was a short wait at the gate. Where most bought Panda express, and we were thankful that we did, as the JFK leg only gave us peanut and pretzels. 

 I counted heads as everyone boarded and found their seats. We were all in a chunk of seats spread out by about about 7 rows. The movies were 6 dollars by credit card, and one traveler sitting in front of my seat bought Contraband with Mark Wahlberg. I was able to watch it through the seats, she had the Japanese subtitles on and there was no sound for me, which prefaced the next three days, as I had no idea what was being said on screen. We transferred at JFK by taking a shuttle to another gate area and again I counted heads. Everyone was accounted for, and the next thing we realized is that we were expected to eat an airplane meal of either pasta or chicken and rice, and then lights out. As all travelers know, it is impossible to get comfortable enough on a plane to get any real rest, so after 9 hours of tossing and turning, we arrived at Praha airport. 

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