After peeking over the funeral wall and seeing all the headstones, we meandered through Stare Mesto (Old Town) through the quaint cobblestoned tourist shops on Karlova street heading towards Charles Bridge.
There was a chocolate shoppe and Carson was able to buy a cup of hot chocolate which was literally hot melted chocolate.
We accidentally stumbled into a restaurant and everyone was happy to fill there bellies with spaghetti, goulash and salads.
After lunch we walked over Charles Bridge making wishes on the brass Lorraine Cross so we will have good luck and on the two handed flowers for love. (Bridgette's camera has these individual pictures, as the poses of wishing for luck were worthy of a real camera).
We visited the Lennon wall on the bike tour, and had to go again with Joel in tow for our documentary, and after quiet restful moments there,
We headed up the Mala Strana section hill to the Prague Castle steps. There we sat for one of many group shots from Joel on the steps.
After finally making it to the top, and viewing the castle, we walked through into where the guards watch the doors of the castle.
The changing of the guards was happening and we posed with guards and also took a video of walking with the guards.
A few more pictures on the castle wall looking over the city and
then we headed back down the street towards home.
A nice rest before dinner at the Crazy Cow Steakhouse and then the plan was to go to Old Town square by the Astrological Clock to watch the soccer game between Italia and Espana, but the rain came pouring down, so after running in the rain to find friends and a safe dry place, we ended the evening watching Espana win and in our rooms, but dry.
Please post a comment below to allow me to know what parents are reading, so I can give you more info about your kids time here! Also, it inspires me to write more, if I know anyone is reading it.
this trip sounds awesome